Wedding Q&A part 1

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Happy Thursday everyone! We had an insanely fun and busy weekend celebrating our little guy’s fifth birthday! We are so so proud of him and the person that he is becoming πŸ™‚

Ok, now for some wedding talk! I’ve gotten a few questions from some readers and thought I would do a brief Q&A on the block to alleviate some of these :-). Part one is coming at you today and part 2 will be here soon! 

Q: What are the boys going to do?

A: We purposefully chose our venue, date and time to accommodate for our littles. We knew that we wanted them to not only be a part, but a centerpiece of our nuptials as reflected in our daily lives.  With much thought and consideration, we will be having the three boys walk me down the aisle to meet their dad/stepdad. We could not be more excited about this and I have to be honest, it might be the thing I am most looking forward to.  Cue the tears!

Q: Bridal party and gown per tradition? 

A: yes and no. I did actually pick out a majorly traditional bridal gown that is somewhat princess-y and perfect for the event. I am super excited to get dressed up and feel romantical like the fairytale is my life :-). Whatever. Judge πŸ˜‰ As for a bridal “party” we are doing this less traditionally; just our immediate family including my sister, Scott sister-in-law (my cissyyyyyy I call her) and brother, will be included in the ceremony.

Q: Will it be a dry wedding?!

A. As you guys may or may not know, we are not drinkers. Nothing. Nada. But, why should anyone else have to follow in our choices!? For our (brunch) wedding, we will be having an open Mimosa bar with all sorts of mixers and delicious treats. The night before will be beer and wine per consumption. I think we are almost as excited for the rehearsal dinner as the wedding! We are so happy with how we have balanced our wedding weekend to have a really really nice fancy loooong adult-only rehearsal dinner combined with our kid friendly brunch wedding the day after.

Q: Buffet or seated? 

A: Holy seated! I typically have issues with Buffets at weddings or events to begin with because I had major issues with hAngriness, so I had a feeling we would be going with seated from moment one. Given the amount of children will be at the wedding too (cousins, our littles etc), seated is definitely our best option. The kiddos have an awesome menu including chocolate chip pancakes, but of course!  And the grown ups? Well, we have planned a dual entrΓ©e with a sweet stuffed French toast combined with a savory frittata. 

Q: Honeymoon? 

A. Honey, of course! Can’t wait! This might actually be the thing we are both looking part two πŸ™‚ we decided to take a honeymoon mid to summer due to custody schedules and the desire to continue the celebration :-). Just kidding. Well custody thing is true, however, we also wanted to go to a tropical island when it is cold here not when it is winding down from the summer πŸ˜‰   We will be visiting the lovely Grand Cayman Island, staying at the brand new Kimpton resort that just opened. No worries, I will do a full review when the time comes πŸ™‚

Ok! That is it for now! Come back soon for part two and be sure to email me with any questions that you would like answered! I’m an open book πŸ™‚

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