Ten Things.

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Hello there!  I am back again!  Trying this whole “consistency” thing 😉  Without further ado, here are 10 “things.”

  1. Super Into this guy.                                            IMG_2252
  2. Obsessed with my wand.  Takes like 5 minutes to curl my hair.  It is $15 bucks!  PRIME!  Get it…IMG_2285
  3. 7 Mother’s Day Miles; split (3 before brunch on treadmill and 4 outside during naps-it was glorious out!!                                                            IMG_2271
  4. Fun Fact:  I eat PB & J for lunch EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.  Same bread, same Jelly (bon ma’man), same PB.  I am a woman of routine, what can I tell you. Side note:  I totally have different dinners each night lol.  But I like what I like! It is SOOOO delicious and hits the spot!                                                                 IMG_2287
  5.  Completely obsessed with my new Tom’s Majorca Cutout sandals. They are BEYOND comfortable (trust me; I have the most sensitive runner feet) and are super cute!  I totally got mine on Amazon (thanks for the blog love) no lie; because… instant gratification. 🙂                                                           IMG_2206
  6. Mother’s Day Brunch at the Please Touch Museum; Never disappoints!   IMG_2254
  7. Salad Bar Luncheon for the teacher’s at C’s school!  LOVE a good salad bar!  IMG_2079
  8. Date night at Ela.  LOVE it there!
  9. REALLY dig my new sneakers from Target!      I wanted walking/kicking around ones and these are beyond perfect.  I like to wear them without socks because they hug my feet and feel sooo good!                     IMG_2186
  10. LOVE LOVE LOVE these kiddos!  Amazing masks/capes here!IMG_2110

Hope you had a great weekend!

21 Seconds.

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Hey there.  So, yea, it sure has been a while, eh?  My apologies.  April was hard to describe; I would say heavy.  And I just didn’t have the time or emotional bandwidth to blog.  BUT.  I do have a someone epic race recap (and photo!) coming at ya!

Broad Street 2017

I know. Epic.  To explain, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Jordan Hasay and she sticks her tongue out when she runs.  She kicked A$$ at Boston and so I was paying homage and clearly was also suuuuper stoked to have crossed!  It was a tough race.  I earned my time; albeit 21 seconds short of my goal 😉 Here is my recap!


Pinning my bib! (swoon)


Pre-race prep!

So.  I woke up with tummy trouble.  Always fun.  Had to actually stop at a (lovely) MacDonalds on the way…after trying about two gas stations and a Dunkin Donuts.  Fun times.  It was dire though.  Anyway, we got to the race (the amazing Scott drove me and my two neighbors to the race; NOTHING beats a pre-race ride.  thank you baby! Also a shout-out to the boys’ dad for staying behind to get the boys ready to go to meet me at the finish-gasp!!) at about 8:05.  Start time is 8 but I typically don’t like being early.  The waiting kills my nerves.  I entered right into the corral about to start and off I went!

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I wore pink for someone very special to me who is fighting Breast Cancer.  Every mile was for her.

I Crossed the start at about 8:10.  And right from the start, a super annoying thing happened that NO runner desires; I had to pee, like .25 miles into the race.  Really badly. All of the sudden.  And I could NOT focus on anything but that!  UGH!  So, I pulled over and relieved myself… 21 seconds.  From there, I just tried to book book book it!  I really feel that, save for the 9th mile, I truly put in maximum effort.  And speaking of that 9th mile…I am SO MAD.  Another suuuuuper annoying runner-thing (for me, at least) thing happened; I had brought Advil into the car.  Basically, since I turned 30ish, I started taking Advil pre race because I realized how much it helped with muscled cramping and even fatigue.  And I FORGOT TO TAKE IT!  (MacDonalds situation, lol).

21 seconds.

Anyway.. here are the total stats/picture…

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Some random thoughts (I usually like to do mile-by-mile thought but waited too long after the race to blog lol #mombrain)…

  • There is a stretch of road where there is an AWFUL fish smell, right?!
  • OMG the political signs though!!!  MANY about “pre-existing conditions,” some about running like your health care was being taken away from you (LOVE), some about running better than the administration, and ALL appreciated and loved.
  • I think blowing lugies on the race course should be banned.  I’m sorry.  I am NOT being a pearl-clutcher.  I am just not ok with it.  Germs. Germs. Germs.  And when you are doing hard or distance running, your body works from the same glycogen stores as your immune system (which is why I supplement nightly with vitamin C), so being exposed to that nasty crap is unnecessary.  And gross.  Ok, sorry.  Rant over.
  • Due to my dank stomach, I was completely unable to ingest any fuel whatsoever the entire 10 miles.  Even a small sip of Gatorade was not working.  I tried my usual GU Chomps but had to spit it out as it was making me gag.  Bum bellies stink.
  • I just kept thinking; I cannot WAIT to see my babies.  All of them.
  • I was very happy with my play list.  It was timed perfectly.
  • So, I was aiming for a 1:25 initially. THEN, I had a REALLY good taper and decided the night before that I was going to go for a 1:24.  Which, understandably, Scott was super confused about when I told him I missed my goal by 21 seconds as I came in with a 1:24:21.  Anyway, I REALLY thought I was going to nail it.  TRULY.  But then I really did start getting majorly heavy legs around mile 8 :/  Blame it on the Advil 🙂
  • ALSO, I managed to over-run the course by almost .4 miles!  How on EARTH does one over run a straight road (save for one City hall turnabout)?!

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Ok, SO.  I would venture to say that this was my FAVORITE finish line experience EVER.  Would you NOT believe that apparoaching the finish, as I was ABSOLUTLEY DYYYYYING, I look to my left and see ALL of my boys; The 3 babies, Scott and Ian.  I was seriously like a magical moment. I know.  Cheese.  But true.  Thank you, cheer squad!

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Definitely the luckiest girl ever!