My Personal Holiday Wish List


Ahhh and finally…myself 🙂  This is the FINAL gift guide for 2016.  And while I am sad to not be curating any more lists and that this signals the holiday season coming to a close, I am thrilled to sit back and shop for myself 🙂  LOL.  I am also pretty sure that my family uses this guide to shop for me yearly so…you’re welcome 🙂  As always, thanks for the Blog Love.


I feel PRETTY DAMN LUCKY…I’ve got everything that I need..But here are some extras 🙂

  1. The Tile- This isn’t really a WANT, but a NEED.  I feel sooooo badly because my guy is CONSTANTLY assisting me in finding my phone and keys and it kinda sucks.  Im pretty sure my brain is half the size it was prior to having kids, because I seriously loose EVERYTHING!  I have a feeling this baby will for SURE be under the tree for me this year (or maybe I should get it for this guy as it is he who will benefit the most!
  2. Beachwaver Pro Curling Iron- Ignore the price tag and you will agree that this curling iron is THE BEST CURLING IRON EVER.  See above picture: I curled a FEW pieces yesterday, SLEPT on it and it is STILL set right!img_5450
  3. Under Armour Eclipse Women’s sports bra in GREY- I have this baby in white, black and pink and am TOTALLY obsessed.  I am a recent convert and used to use the Moving Comfort Juno bra (you can find here too) but find these to be JUST as supportive and FAR more comfortable.  Both are great choices for high impact activities, I just find the material is softer and stays softer on the UA one.img_4036
  4. Barefoot Dreams Robe- I have been obsessed with this baby ever since I saw it on Oprah’s favorite things, but have never had the courage to bite the bullet for the hefty price tag.  They are on a good sale now.  I like the long version but they have a short version as well that look super cozy too!      screen-shot-2016-12-02-at-3-06-30-pm
  5. These flannel PJs- Guys, I am a self-admitted PJ hoarder; I can’t help it!  I am SUCH a sucker for PJs and basically live in them when inside the house (and sometimes outside too!  Gasp!). Target tends to be my go-t0 for pjs but when I found these flannel ones that are PRIME available!? 🙂 LOVE.screen-shot-2016-12-21-at-2-52-50-pm
  6. Bear Paw boots- OOPS!  Totally already bought myself these in Charcoal…I was SUCH an Ugg lover for SO long and was reluctant to try these but you cannot beat the price tag!  Only 50 bucks!  And, after wearing them for a while, I can tell you that they are JUST as good as Ugg and actually have a bit better support!  Believe it!
  7. Stamina In Motion Strider- I know I know, you’ve heard about this many times for me but I seriously cannot stop raving about it!  We even traveled with it this trip to Mass and I could not be more pleased with it!  Really- do yourself a favor…
  8. Spending the Holidays with People I want to Punch in the Throat (BOOK)- I know, it sounds harsh but OMG you guys!! Scott’s dad got me this book last year and I can’t bring myself to finish it because I don’t want it to be done!  It is seriously one of the funniest things I have EVER read so it NEEDED to be on the list!screen-shot-2016-12-21-at-3-09-39-pm
  9. My favorite candle ever- The only bad thing about this baby is how fast it burns and its steep price tag 🙂 BUT it smells like WOAH!  I need another…screen-shot-2016-12-21-at-3-13-10-pm
  10. Child’s Artwork frame display with storage!  Santa PLEASE!  Bring me THREE of these for each of the babies!  I LOOOOVE these- I saw them at Scott’s SIL house and KNEW I needed them- thanks, Cris! xo…Now, Santa…please 🙂

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Guys- I’m sad!  This is the end of my last list of this holiday season.  Tear 😦  But…DO tell me what Santa brought you this year!!!!

Run-cation and January Streak! 

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Hi hi hi!  I am coming at you from the absolutely beautiful Williamstown, Massachusetts; The hometown of my love and we so look forward to our voyages up here several times a year.  In fact, I usually really look forward to my runs here as the views are fabulous, the hills are beasts but the journeys are so satisfying.  This time though, it is tooooo cold. Those of you who know me well know that I am not a good cold-weather person at all. I especially do not like to be running and freezing my patootie off. I don’t feel like it puts me in “beast mode” but rather “hate my life mode. “And I always promised myself that if I did not enjoy running I would not do it.  So, I decided that my body could use a little reset and a little vacation from running, hence my three day run-cation while we are here!  I have not taken off three days from running since before I had Gabriel (the most being 2 consecutive days) and I think my body could definitely use it especially because…I’m streaking in January!   Every year I like to do a month-long streak. In the past years I have done it through December. This year, I’m going to start the new year off right and do a January streak. The rules are simple: run every day. If it’s a mile, great if it is six, even more fabulous! But the point is, streak run every day. I’m so stoked for this run-cation it is timing itself so well to gear me up for my streak month.  Now, while I’m here in mass, i’ll be using my peddler for about an hour daily to keep my legs loose and toned. My sweetie didn’t even give me side Eye when putting it in the car 🙂 and, I have to be honest, peddling among the Berkshires is kind of fabulous!  Anyway, just let me know if you’ll be joining me on my streak! Happy run-cation and Happy running!

Traditions of Togetherness

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I sit typing this cozy on the couch, wrapped in my robe, in front of the beautiful lit tree and the decked halls, and I cannot help but feel incredibly warm and blessed.  Our family has been through a lot and I could not be prouder with how we have ALL dealt with such changes.  We have all come out on the other side changed but incredibly blessed to have each OTHER.  I am SO thankful for my babies, their Daddy, my bonus baby and his Daddy and ALL of our extended family and friends.  Life is good.  Anyway, holiday seasons always mean a lot to me, and this year because of the aforementioned, they mean even more.  We are so excited to have developed our own traditions of togetherness for the holidays and I wanted to share some of my favorites! (Warning: photo heavy post ahead!)img_6268

  1. New Hope Ivy Railroad Polar Express– If you follow me on social media, you know that I absolutely LOVED this experience.  Like more than I could ever have imagined.  The experience was a well-oiled MAGICAL machine and kept getting better.  It really does deserve its own post, but for now, here are some pictorial highlights 🙂  It was truly beyond. As you can see they were pretty excited to get there… Well except maybe G who had no idea what was going on at first!

    The Santa was on POINT and was super nice, even obliging my request for multiple pictures as the boys’ eyes were just in some 🙂

  2. Getting our tree and putting it up!  I was QUITE impressed with the man of the house and his tree stand/lights ability!  And it was so nice to have everyone there!  We had all three boyos, 2 Daddies and me!
  3. Personal Ornaments- We thought it would be super fun to get each child their own ornament catered to their liking and guess what ?! It was SUCH a hit!
  4. Ice Skating At Winter Fest!  We did this without C 😦 unfortunately (he was with his other parent), but it is a-ok bc he informed me that he reaaaally doesn’t like ice skating.  True Story.  Anyway, if you haven’t checked out Winterfest in Philly, do it now!  It is fabulous.
  5. Advent Calendars!  We bought these babies in the beginning of November and waited with baited breath to give the boys their individual ones on December first and it has brought SOOOO much holiday fun.  I would do these again in a heartbeat!  And I love how we got each boy their own personalized ones; Z= Lego Christmas, C= Lego Star Wars and G= Thomas Trains.  Suffice it to say, they were pretty thrilled.
  6. Cookie Making!  I am being general with this one because we truly have decorated/made every single cookie you could imagine!  Ugly sweaters, gingerbread houses, reindeers, etc!


  7. John Denver’s Christmas with the Muppets.  Need I say more?!img_5866
  8. Dressing alike.  DUH! (And of course reading books)

    OK!  Well I hope you enjoyed our traditions of togetherness!  Please share your own!



15 Hanukkah and Stocking Stuffer Gifts for under $15!

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Phew!  Just when I FINALLY finished out Christmas shopping…this multi-religion family gets hit with Hanukkah! So, as you all know I love doing, I have put together my favorite Hanukkah (small gift) and stocking stuffer gift guide!  And the best part!? Everything is less than $15 and can suit ages 18m-5y!  Look, we have 3 boys, so price point is key!  Enjoy and as always?!  Thanks for the blog love! Oh, and you guys know it is all Prime-able, because would you expect any different 🙂 #selfadmittedprimeaddict

  1. Bingo Dabbers ($14.95, 12-count)-  I wax poetic about these babies constantly, so I will save you if you are a long time reader, but, do yourself and your kids a favor and get these.
  2. Melissa and Doug Suspend Family Game ($10.99)-  Fine.  You figured me out.  I want to play this game myself…screen-shot-2016-12-16-at-2-03-09-pm
  3. Model Magic (from $5)- My kids LOVE play dough, but when their teacher and babysitter turned them on to Model Magic, they found a new love!  Some of these kits come with tools to use with the model magic. It is different than play dough and MUCH neater 😉  Ya’ll know I love that.
  4. UNO! (from $5)- Guys, this might admittedly be my pick too 🙂
  5. Melissa and Doug Slice and Sort Wooden Eggs ($7.99)-  My boys love any “cutting toy” and it really does help with both gross and fine motor skills.  I love the color matching added fun and learning within this toy too. screen-shot-2016-12-16-at-2-15-44-pm
  6. Alex Spa Chalk Hair Spa ($10.59)- So, this package has a girl on it, which bothers me on several levels, the most being that my boys would LOVE to play with these.  It is super reasonable and comes with chalk hair pens, metallic beads and elastics!screen-shot-2016-12-16-at-2-16-18-pm
  7. Munchkin Bath Fun Bubble Blower ($10.18)- OK so this was on my gift guide last year and the kids received it. They LOOOOVED it and still do!  We even take it out of the bath area for outdoor bubble fun.  And who doesn’t love a machine who blows the bubbles for you!? And such a great price!screen-shot-2016-12-16-at-2-28-59-pm
  8. Melissa and Doug Activity pad (from less than $5)– There are soooo many good ones of these so the link will take you to a bunch, but two of my favorites are the scissors skill one and the 3-pack on the go water books focusing on numbers shapes and letters.screen-shot-2016-12-16-at-2-32-37-pm
  9. Crayola Melt N Mold Factory ($14.95)–  I’ve been eyeing this gift for quite some time and and super excited about it.  I LOVE showing kids how things are made.  Our kids use crayons so often and now they can mold their own with this adorable reasonable Crayola set!
  10. Disney Scuf Slippers (From &7.95)- I love getting the boys new slippers each year and you cannot beat the price of these!  I image the spidey ones will make an appearance in someone’s stocking this year… screen-shot-2016-12-16-at-2-42-37-pm
  11. 3 Great Books about Feelings (from $4.66)- We do a lot of work around feelings in our house with the kids.  I always feel like having books to support these concepts is a great thing.  Aside from the first one I linked to, I love “Mad Isn’t Bad” and “William Wobbly and the Very Bad Day.” 
  12. Melissa and Doug Magnet Set (from $7.99)-  I LOVE THIS SET (Mickey) that we have and so do the boys!  I hide them in a drawer in the kitchen so that if I am cooking and need something for the kids to do, I take them out and they play with them on the fridge. There are a bunch of super cute options at a very reasonable price point.  screen-shot-2016-12-16-at-2-51-08-pm
  13. Alex Toys Rub a Tub Shave in the tub kit ($12.95)-  My kids love this so much that I believe we are on our third set!  Need I say more!?
  14. Melissa and Doug Bead Bouquet Deluxe wooden bead set ($10.25)-  Guys, I am that mom who dissolves in tears when Zach gives me something he made for me in school.  I know.  Sap. I especially love the jewlery he makes for me and he sure loves creating it!  I love this set!screen-shot-2016-12-16-at-2-55-39-pm
  15. Small holiday Lego set-  OK, you know any gift guide from our house would not be complete without a Lego set!  Here is an adorable reindeer one I got Z for his stocking as well as a building brick menorah set!screen-shot-2016-12-16-at-3-01-05-pm

Okie dokie!  I hope you enjoyed!! I sure did 🙂  A always, please add your own!



Oh ma gerd. Make this meal now. 

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Y’all, I love a good pasta peas and ham dish. Simple, satisfying and hearty especially for winter.  So, last night when I went to put together our “signature dish” (the man looooves this meal too) I was dismayed to see that our frozen peas had gone missing. By the way, I still can’t find them. Gabriel?!? (He loves hiding things… favorite hiding Place is for sure the pull-out spice rack). Anyway, I scoured the fridge until I found something green that would suffice as a good substitution. And boy did I knock it out of the park! It took this homey dish to a delicacy level! 

Here is what you’ll need:

Pasta (I like the fresh refrigerated type as it takes a dish to another level)

Bunch of kale or collard greens, destemmed and chopped

Minced garlic 

Ham steak chopped or package diced ham 

Your favorite alfredo sauce 

1.  Ok. So, while your water is boiling for the pasta, heat some oil and garlic in a high sided pan. Add the greens and stir until fragrant and wilted, approximately 3 to 5 minutes. Then add a half a cup or so of water and continue to let wilt. Season with salt and pepper.  Set the greens aside. 

2.  While pasta cooks, Add the ham to the now empties high-sided pan and stir a bit. Add the jar of sauce and stir until combined. 

3. Add pasta little by little, continuing to stir. 

4.  Put about 1/3 cup of the reserved pasta water into the empty sauce jar. Shake to get al reminants out. Add to pan. 

5.  Stir and allow to heat through, about 3 minutes. 

6. After plating dish, add the greens to the top. 

7.  Enjoy! 

You’re welcome!  😉

4 Year old (boy) Gift Guide!

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Argh, guys!?  Can you believe it is already December 11?!  Where.  Did. This. Year. GO!?  This afternoon when the boys wake up from their naps, we are going to Ya’ll know I love a good gift guide.  And as much as I love viewing them, I love curating them even more!  So, without further ado, here is your gift guide for your 4 year old boy!  Sorry. Trust me, I wish I and more girl experience…maybe some day?! 😉 OH, and I literally am pulling items from my Amazon account because if it can’t be “Primed,” it won’t be on time!  You’re welcome 😉

  1.  Electric powered air hockey table ($38.99)- My boys LOVE to play air hockey, so we thought it would make a fabulous appearance under our tree!  It will be joint gift for the three of them 🙂screen-shot-2016-12-11-at-2-56-45-pm
  2. Lite Brite ($24.99!)- This was actually Scott’s idea and what an amazing idea it is!  Our Zachary will LOVE this and it will for sure be a great flashback for all of us!  This baby is in and out of stock and is clearly making a comeback this year!  LOVE it.  Can’t wait to play with it myself…screen-shot-2016-12-11-at-2-58-24-pm
  3. Playdough Star Wars AT-AT Attack with Cans ($10.50)- I like a good balance of toys, art items, etc. so I was thrilled to see this sweet play dough set!  They boys will be very happy to see this under the tree and then (hopefully) to play with it all year ’round!screen-shot-2016-12-11-at-3-16-58-pm
  4. Iggy Pect, Architect and Ada Twist, Scientist- I LOVE teaching the boys (early) of the many things they can do when they “grow up.” (Please don’t happen too quickly!!)  I also love a good book or two under the tree…
  5. Marble Run- Our kids are absolutely obsessed with their marble run. So, for Christmas we are getting them an expansion pack as a joint gift.  Guys, this baby will keep your littles entertained for hours. Trust me, from prior experience.   Even the 2-year old LOVES it.  screen-shot-2016-12-11-at-3-08-02-pm
  6. Playskool Heroes Star Wars Millennium Falcon ($23.79)- OK, so we have this already, and I had to share because I have yet to meet a 3-6 year old who wasn’t completely obsessed with this play set.  Our boys STILL play with this super often!  We love it.  screen-shot-2016-12-11-at-3-12-06-pm
  7. ETI Toys Construction/Gears Set- I feel like with the whole “STEAM” push, I like to provide the littles with fun toys and games that echo this.  They will be learning a ton in school and it is always nice to support at home! We got this particular set for Zachary as he has a penchant for building anything.  Cant wait to see what he creates!screen-shot-2016-12-11-at-3-14-12-pm
  8. “Hulk Hands” ($8.97)- Another favorite in our household, these babies are wonderful for role play and the boys LOVE them.  They have them for different characters, but the Hulk ones are by far our favorite 🙂screen-shot-2016-12-11-at-3-16-31-pm
  9. Avengers Throw  ($14.22)- Our kids LOVE to snuggle…especially when there is a TV involved lol.  I love getting them their own individual throws with their favorite “theme” on them.  We have an Avenger lover, Lego lover and 2 year old.  LOL!Screen Shot 2016-12-11 at 3.21.13 PM.png
  10. Comprehensive Art Set- I am being vague because I have yet to choose which one will be under our tree, but I am planning on buying one of these sets because the boys are really getting into art and I would love to have a large comprehensive art kit handy! I kinda can’t wait to use it either… lol

OK!  Well, I hope you like my list!  As always, please feel free to share your own thoughts and thanks for the blog love!  My inspiration…


With their Advent calendars (Star Wars Lego, Lego and Thomas, for reference)


THE Best Gifts for your LEGO Lover!

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Aright.  Ya’ll must know by now that we have QUITE the Lego Lover in our house…


With that said, I wanted to share the best gifts I could find for your Lego lover, and I truly thought outside the box 🙂  Zachary has or will have all of these after the holiday! I cannot wait to see his face!  Oh, an all are Amazon or Prime available to get in time for the Holiday!  Oh, and any of those lucky ones like us who celebrate both Christmas and Hanukkah, I included all sorts of price ranges!  As aways, thanks for the blog love! xo

  1. Brick Mug (from $12.95)- I was OBSESSED with this when I found it and can’t wait for when Z opens this baby on Hanukkah!screen-shot-2016-12-10-at-9-14-45-am
  2. Lego Blanket ($19.99)- Z loves a good snuggle so I was STOKED when I found this!  It came the other day and is adorable and super soft. Great purchase, great price and great find for under our tree!  Not sure if this exact one will ship for Christmas, but I LOVE the Lego Movie one and is sure does!screen-shot-2016-12-10-at-9-16-21-am
  3. Lego Classic Creative Brick Box- We bought one of these for Zachary’s school as a play toy donation for the classroom and he LOOOOOVES it. So, we thought we would get him the medium one for at home as it comes with all different color bricks, gears, wheels, etc and it gets him on the “creative” Lego train! Love these. They come in Small ($14.99), Medium ($20.99) or Large ($46.99). What a great gift for a Lego novice or expert!screen-shot-2016-12-10-at-9-21-26-am
  4. The Lego Ideas Book ($13.99)– So, I bought this book for Zach a few  months ago after seeing it at a local school and he LOVES it.  Like SLEEPS with it. He insists that we read a page or two each night and I couldn’t be happier that I got him it!  Here is a warning: don’t be fooled by the price; it is HUGE and Hardback.  screen-shot-2016-12-10-at-9-22-09-am
  5. The Lego Minifig Book ($26.49)- After seeing how much Z enjoyed the above book, I decided this one would be a fabulous Hanukkah gift!  It is about the same size (enormous) as the Lego Ideas Book  and I am stoked myself to look at this history of the mini fig!  Nerd alert 😉screen-shot-2016-12-10-at-9-25-07-am
  6. Lego Pencil box- I LOVE this simple pencil box that features the Lego design and it is a perfect stocking stuffer at only $7.87. If you are looking for a “bigger bang,” I might even like the one below more, although it is a tad pricier ($29.95). Super into it. screen-shot-2016-12-10-at-9-29-03-am
  7. Lego Stationary Organizer ($8.91)- Also an amazing small gift (or Hanukkah night gift!), this cool organizer can fit all sorts of cool things, including brick or mini fig collections!screen-shot-2016-12-10-at-9-34-29-am
  8. Lego Coloring book- Did you know there are Lego coloring books!?  I did not!  Well, there are and there will surely be one in Zachary’s stocking this year!  I particularly LOVE this one (and it is only $6.50)!screen-shot-2016-12-10-at-9-36-09-am
  9. Lego Backpack ($50)- Zach has this and carries it everyday for school.  It is safe to say both he and I LOVE it.  I love how roomy but light it is and it cleans well. It has two SUPER cute (stud) pockets and it was the BEST purchase!  It is too cute too…Screen Shot 2016-08-26 at 10.00.05 AM
  10. Homemade Lego Table- OK OK, this one might be a reach, but I’m in the process of making for my boys and I NEEDED to share my great idea/hack!  So, we have one of those IKEA tables that everyone has (small square).  You can buy one like it here (only $35.99 with four colorful chairs included) or use what you have at home.  THEN, you simply need to buy baseplates and super glue them to the table!  I am putting the baseplates on the legs of the table too, using a serrated sharp knife to cut the baseplates. I know.  Awesome idea, right!? And how cool would THAT look under your tree?!


Okie dokie! I hope you liked my list…I know your credit card did not 🙂 OR, I hope you found it helpful!?  Please feel free to share your own Lego-lover gifts!  Happy holidays!

PS:  The Lego set in the last picture is a NY Yankees Set the kids LOVED to do with the handsome dude in the pic 🙂  It is sold in many team themes!  Get one!  


Gift Guide for the Breastfeeding Mom

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Hello hello!  So, you all know that I am an extended breastfeeder and a huge proponent of breastfeeding (if possible) in general, so I thought I would put together a list of some of my favorite gifts for your favorite breastfeeding mom!  Here ya go!  Oh, and ALL of the gifts can be bought on Amazon (most are even Prime!) because if you are a milky mom like me, you are on Amazon quite often 🙂

  1.  Milk Snob Infant Car Seat and Nursing Cover ($36)– Guys, I saw this on Shark Tank and could NOT believe how awesome it looked.  THIS is the best and would be an amazing gift for any breast feeding mom (including yourself lol!)


  2. Barefoot Dreams Luxe Milk Long Jersey Robe ($143)- I feel like EVERYONE needs a good robe.  And this one, appropriately named, by Barefoot Dreams (my favorite robe company go-to) would be the PERFECT gift for any mom or breastfeeding mom!screen-shot-2016-12-08-at-8-36-35-pm
  3. Neck and Back Massager-  Guys, I don’t know about you, but My back and neck get super sore from nursing, especially when G was little and was doing it around the clock.  This massager allows you to still sit and nurse (no hands) and would make any nursing mama super happy!  Best part- it is heated (!) and does Shiatsu!Screen Shot 2016-12-08 at 9.06.18 PM.png
  4. Haakaa Silicone Manual Breast Pump  ($18.37)– This is a SUPER poplar one on the forums I visit often and it seems like EVERYONE loves it!screen-shot-2016-12-04-at-3-17-25-pm
  5. Happy Mama Women’s Nursing Hoodie ($26.23)- OMG, you guys.  This is a steal! I found this on my search for the perfect gifts and SOOOO wish I had had it when the babies were younger!  Maybe next time? 😉  And you cannot beat the price!  screen-shot-2016-12-08-at-8-34-58-pm
  6. Aiden and Anais blanket set (from $34.95 for 4)- I use these ALL. THE. TIME. and for SO many purposes! Breast feeding cover, car seat cover, blanket, snuggler, etc!  I cannot recommend these blankets enough. They are entirely different from the Milk Snob in both weight and size (these blankets roll out to a large square)   The weight is perfect and they wash well!screen-shot-2016-12-08-at-8-54-39-pm
  7.  This Hysterical shirt ($19.99)- I LOVE it.  It speaks for itself 😉screen-shot-2016-12-08-at-8-52-36-pm
  8. Milkies Milk Saver ($25.67)- I hear amazing things about these and they are also self-explanatory 🙂 screen-shot-2016-12-08-at-8-58-32-pm
  9. Breastfeeding breacelet and teething necklace combo- ($16.97) Another total bargain, this set is great for any mama, especially a breastfeeding one, who can use the bracelet to which side they are to nurse on.  The necklace is wonderful for teething.  My G loved
  10. Boobie Beanie Breastfeeding Hat ($14.95)- OK, I could NOT leave this out.  It.  Is.  Hysterical.  Gag gift anyone?! Or not?  No judgment 😉

Anyway, hope you enjoyed my list!  Here is my final word of advice:  Grab something for YOURSELF, milky mama!  My inspiration:


Quesadilla casserole 

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Guys. I don’t often post recipes here but this one I had to share. And, I can in fact take credit for this one!  So. A few years ago used to buy these McCormick spice packets that would make certain dishes like chicken and dumplings and this yummy quesadilla casserole. McCormick no longer makes the spice packets so I had to come up with my own recipe. Here it is!  Simple, easy, healthy and a great winter comfort food. You will need: 

1 pound of ground meat (I used turkey this time and it was fabulous)

16 ounces of tomato sauce from a can (I used 2- 8oz small. For added tomato chunks, you could use one can of sauce and one can of diced tomatoes evenly)

One can of corn, leave a bit of juice in 

One small can diced mild chiles

One small onion, diced

One can of black beans, drained.

6-10 inch flour tortillas

One bag shredded cheddar or Mexican blend cheese

Half a package of taco seasoning

1.  Chop onion and fry in large pan until soft and aromatic. Season with salt and pepper.  Add ground meat until cooked. 

2.  Add corn, sauce, black beans, and chiles. Stir until combined. 

3. Add half packet of taco seasoning. Stir and let simmer for 3-5 minutes. 

4. Grease the bottom of the casserole dish. Scoop one third of the mixture into the bottom of the dish and spread evenly. Please two flour tortillas overlapping onto the first layer of mixture and press down. 

5. Add second third of mixture. Top with half of cheese and two more tortillas. 

6. Add last third of mixture and rest of cheese. 

7. Bake at 350 for 35 minutes. Let sit for ten minutes before serving. 

8. Enjoy!!

My Holiday Gift Guide for the 18m-2yo

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Hello Hello!  Tis the season, eh?  OK, I will be the first to admit that I am OBSESSED with “curating” these gift guides.  Not only am I a sucker for online shopping and wish lists, but it helps me organize my gift giving too!  As you know, I have a 23 month old so this list is dedicated to the wonderful age of 18months- 2 years!  I tried to include a variety of items for different genders and price ranges.  Oh, and as always, these gifts can be “Primed” for your convenience.  Enjoy!


  1. Oball Go Grippers Bounce ‘N Zoom Speedway ($53.50)- I already bought this for G and it will be featured under our tree this year!  Get the 3-pack set of cars ($18.44) to go with this and you are good to go!  Can’t WAIT to see his face when he discovers it!screen-shot-2016-12-03-at-3-10-12-pm
  2. Melissa and Doug Fruit OR Food Cutting Set ($15.99 and $14.99 respectively)- Guys, my kids LOVE these sets and it is a go-to gift that I give and have received wonderful compliments on.  These super cute sets help your little work on both fine and gross motor skills and are guaranteed to be a blast!
  3. BINGO Daubers (from $10.95)- I know, I’ve waxed poetic about these babies on the blog before and I cannot recommend them enough.  My kids LOVE to play with these and they are good for ALL ages.  I kinda love crafting with them too… img_4685
  4. Melissa and Doug Dress-Up Costume- This link will give you MANY options, including chef, doctor, veterinarian, etc. And prices are as low as $15.94!  Giving your child the gift of dress-up imagination and play is one of the best gifts you can give them.  These costumes inspire creativity and will be SUPER cute to watch your little parade around in!
  5. Play Kitchen set- I feel like this is the PERFECT age to gift your child a play kitchen, and imagine that baby sitting under the tree!  I like the following two choices (although the link will give you more options) of the Little Tykes one (a steal at only $46.39!!!) or the one we have- Step 2 Lifestyle Custom Kitchen ($76.79).screen-shot-2016-12-03-at-3-24-21-pm
  6. A Micro Scooter!  We got Gabriel a Thomas the Tank Engine one ($42.49) and again, I cannot wait to see his face light up when he sees it under the tree!  Of course you need a helmet with it that is equally cute (we got the Mickey Mouse Club House one).screen-shot-2016-12-03-at-3-28-28-pm
  7. A Playdough Set!  Non toxic and always fun, these Playdough sets are fun for the whole family!  I particularly LOVE this cookie shop one ($11.99) and the generic “Fun Tub.” ($11.99)
  8. Crayola Super Art and Craft Kit ($28.86)- I feel like every kid at this age needs a good all-purpose craft set to start their “creative” lives with.  I LOVE this one because it has everything you could think of and is still less than 30 bucks!screen-shot-2016-12-03-at-3-35-42-pm
  9. Melissa and Doug Puppet Sets- ($14) Guys, I cannot with these. I LOVE these puppet sets and so do my kiddos!  Another go-to gift item, these are always received happily!  My three favorites are the FARM SET, PALACE PALS SET, and STORYBOOK FRIENDS SET.
  10. Sesame Street Manners Book Set ($8.95 for 8 books)- You guys didn’t think this former teacher would create a gift guide with no books, eh!?  I like this set because it focuses on teaching manners starring the sweet Sesame Street characters and we ALL know that the learning of manners can NEVER start too early!screen-shot-2016-12-03-at-3-44-21-pm

Oooookie Dokie! I think that is it for now!  Please feel free to add your own!  Coming up next will be my gift guide for 4 year olds!  YAY!  I LOOOOVE the holiday season!  Greetings! xo